Contact us
Most questions should be directed to the township clerk at: 218-244-1811 or
Harris Township
20876 Wendigo Park Road
Grand Rapids, MN 55744
Township Supervisors
Harris Township Board is a five member board of supervisors. Each Supervisor serves a 4 year term. The clerk and the treasurer are appointed positions of the town board.
Supervisor, Seat A, Ryan Davies: 218-929-0610 Email:
Appointed April 28, 2021 to serve the term to 11/2022 Election; Term expires 12/2026
Government Collaborative Alt.
Northwest Gas Joint Powers Board Alt.
Road Inspections
Boat Landings Alt.
RAMS Board Member/Township Rep.
Supervisor, Seat B: Dan Gilbert: 218-259-4967 Email:
Elected- 11/2020, Re-Elected 11/2024; Term expires 12/2028
Weed Inspector
Cable Commission Rep Alt.
Park/Cemetery Inspections Alt.
Security Camera Liaison
Madam Chair Supervisor, Seat C: Peggy Clayton 218-259-1551 Email:
Appointed September 2016; Elected 3/2017, Re-elected 11/2024; Term expires 12/2028
Cable Commission
Government Collaborative
Human Resources
Park/Cemetery Inspections
County Planning Commission
Northwest Gas Joint Powers Board
Supervisor, Seat D: Jim Kelley: 218-327-0317 Email:
Elected 5/2014 - during a special election, Re-elected 11/2022; Term expires 12/2026
Road Inspections
County Planning Commission Alt
Vice Chair Supervisor, Seat E: Mike Schack: 218-340-8852 Email:
Elected 3/2017, Re-elected 11/2022; Term Expires 12/2026
Maintenance Crew Leader
Safety Representative
Road Inspections
Boat Landings
Weed Inspector Alt
Human Resources Alt.
Security Camera Liason Alt
Clerk Kelly Derfler: 218-244-1811 or Email:
Serves as Clerk to the Board, and first point of contact for the Board
Treasurer Nancy Kopacek: 218-398-3497 or Email:
Appointed January 2020
Also serves as the financial reporting authority
Sexton Peggy Clayton: 218-244-5247 (call or text) or Email:
Interim Sexton
Serves as the Harris Cemetery main contact for site and burial arrangements
Town Hall Caretaker Terri Frieson: 218-398-5033 (call or text)
Calls to be returned 8:30 am - 6:00 pm or within 24 hours
Park and Pavilion Reservations
Maintenance, Scheduling and Rental of the Town Hall
About Harris Township
Harris Township is located in Itasca County, Minnesota. It was established in 1909 and named after Duncan Harris. In the 2010 census, the population was 3,253.
MISSION STATEMENT: The Harris Town Board strives to enhance the quality of life, protect the environment, and maintain the economic stability for the residents of their community.